Really a lot of ppl queing for it. It's really a big hit man.
Hey i fially collected the whole series od apple product.... cOol.!
- Mac bOok
- IpOd
- 3G iphOne
Wow yesterday was a great run ba AHM 2008 Safra Bay Run. My timing was 1hour and 44mins actually is quite not a good timing i set myself @ 1hour and 30mins. Why it end up that disappointment.
Cos of me as i know that wasn't my own pace of running till the 9km road i feel my brain have stop working and i can't breath at all force my whole body to stop running rested for 15 mins that y it drag my timing longer. i really damm sad at the moment but told myself to carry on, no matter wad.
But it came out a sundden that i finally got back my pace and finally i reached the finishing point that was a releave yeah. But the timing was really bad. But that alright there's next year anyway Now really train hard for my upcoming event the Stand Chart 2008 - 42.195km.
Here's are the medal i have at the moment... Next year i need at least 10 marathon medal my aim for it...!
This the first marathon - Army Half Marathon i have run in 2006
This year sundown marathon in 2008
This year Army Half Marathon in 2008